About Toastmasters
Toastmasters was born in California, USA in 1924.
As a non-profit educational organization, it has helped its members to be maximally effective in front of their audiences and to become world-class leaders.
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization whose primary purpose is to provide training in public speaking. Today, more than 357,000 people in more than 16,600 clubs in 143 countries use Toastmasters International manuals to sharpen their communication and leadership skills while having fun.
In Japan, there are more than 4,000 members in about 200 clubs, including clubs in Japanese, English, and other foreign languages. (As of July 2024)
See also the description of the Japan Chapter (District76).
Meeting Agenda
The following is the typical meeting agenda.
<English Sesstion>
19:00 Call to Order
Guest Introduction
19:05 Toastmasters of the Evening (TMOE)
Word of the Evening
Role Introduction
(Timer, Vote Counter GRAHCO(Grammarian/Ah-Counter))
19:10 Table Topics Session
Timer’s report and vote for Best Table Topics Speaker
19:25 Prepared Speech Session
Prepared Speaker #1
Prepared Speaker #2
Timer’s Report
19:45 Evaluation Session
Evaluator for Prepared Speaker #1
Evaluator for Prepared Speaker #2
Timer’s Report
19:55 General Evaluation
GRAHCO's report
20:00 Break
※ following to Japanese session as well
※Japanese and English are switched each time.
20:10 今夜のトーストマスター
20:13 今夜の言葉
20:18 準備スピーチの部
20:38 論評の部
20:48 総合論評
20:55 受賞者発表
20:57 ビジネスセッション
21:10 閉会
Roles at Regular Meetings
The following is a description of roles during regular meetings.
1. Toastmaster of the Evening / 今夜のトーストマスター
The person in this role will preside over the program for the day's meeting and will be responsible for the preparation and facilitation of the meeting. This gives the person experience in preparing for the meeting event and training in chairing it.
この役割の人は、その日の例会のプログラムの司会を行い、同時に例会の準備・進行の責任を持ちます。 例会というイベントを準備する経験、そして司会を行なう訓練ができます。
2. Timer / 計時係
The person in this role will time and report each speech. This gives the presenter the ability to organize the talk within a certain amount of time.
3. Vote Counter / 集計係
The person in this role will tally the votes cast during the meeting and announce the winners of each award at the end of the meeting.
4. Grammarian and Ah-Counter(GRAHCO) / 文法係・えーとカウンタ
The person in this role counts the number of times someone utters nonsensical words such as “Um,” “Uh,” etc. during the meeting and reports it at the end of the meeting. The presenter can then correct the habit of saying things that he or she was not aware of.
It also serves as an introduction to the “Word of the Evening. The “Word of the Evening” is a phrase that participants are encouraged to use as much as possible during the meeting to expand their vocabulary and enrich their use of Japanese and English.
また、「今夜の言葉(Word of the Evening)」を紹介する役割も担います。 「今夜の言葉」とは、参加者が日本語・英語の語彙を増やし、豊かな言葉遣いを促すために、できるだけ例会中に使うことが奨励される言葉です。
5. Table Topics Master / テーブルトピックス司会
The person in this role prepares the questions in advance without informing the other participants, and then selects respondents to ask questions on the spot. This allows the respondent to practice impromptu speech so that he/she can make a coherent statement in a short period of time when suddenly asked for his/her opinion.
この役割の人は、質問を予め他の参加者に知らせずに準備しておき、その場で回答者を選び質問します。 回答者はこれにより、突然意見を求められても短時間でまとまった発言が出来るよう、即興スピーチの訓練をする事が出来ます。
6. Speaker / 準備スピーチ
The person in this role will prepare a longer (often 5 to 7 minutes) speech that follows the standard manual assignments used by Toastmasters and deliver the speech within the allotted time.
7. Evaluator / 個人論評
The person in this role listens to the prepared speech and helps the speaker to further improve it by noting what was good and what “could be done better” (areas for improvement).
8. General Evaluator / 総合論評
The person in this role will moderate the review session. He/she will also provide feedback to the individual reviewers and the session as a whole. Since there will be no commentary other than speeches, he/she will provide constructive feedback that will enhance the quality of the meeting.
この役割の人は、論評セッションの司会を行ないます。 また、個人論評者及びセッション全体のフィードバックを行ないます。スピーチ以外には論評が無いため、例会の質を高めるような建設的な意見を述べます。
9. Meeting Report Writer / 例会レポーター
The person in this role will write a meeting report, in both English and Japanese, to be posted on the website after the meeting. The written report will be sent to the PR department, who will post it on the website.
この役割の人は、例会の後にウェブサイトに掲載する例会レポートを英語と日本語両方で書きます。 書いたレポートは広報担当に送り、広報担当がウェブサイトに掲載します。
Introduction to the Manual
Toastmasters can grow in both leadership and public speaking by utilizing a manual called Pathways.
Pathways offers multiple paths to choose from, allowing you to develop your communication skills according to your goals.
New members begin with a 4-6 minute introductory speech called “The Ice Breaker”. After that, you will give a 7-minute speech for each project.
For more details, please see the description on the website of the Japan Chapter (District76).
新しく会員になると、まず、「 The Ice Breaker (アイスブレーカー)」という4-6分の自己紹介スピーチから始めていただきます。その後、各プロジェクトに沿って7分程度のスピーチを実施していきます。