Our meeting

TITMC holds regular meetings two to three times 
a month on Wednesdays.
At each regular meeting, four people give speeches, divided into roles such as speakers, evaluators and grammarian. Although the atmosphere is peaceful, both speakers and listeners work hard to improve their speeches by giving each other constructive feedback. Each meeting features speeches on a variety of unique themes, adding color to the regular meeting.
If you are even slightly interested, please feel free to join as a guest! I hope you will listen to the speeches and get a feel for the atmosphere of our regular meeting.


 Regular meeting information 

【Meeting day】 Wednesday (2nd, 4th, 5th of each month)
【Time】 19:00-21:10
【Location】 Curian (Shinagawa City General Civic Center) 
  conference room 4th floor (right next to Oimachi Station)

【Membership Fee】

Enrollment fee: 3,500 JPY  (Manual Book + registration fee ) 

Monthly membership fee :1,800 JPY (10,800 JPY for half year)

Membership fee need to be paid twice a year for 1st half (Apr-Sep) & 2nd half (Oct-Mar) 

 Guests can tour up to three times free of charge, so please feel free to come. If you would like to participate as a guest, please contact us via the contact page. Our regular meetings have a bright and fun atmosphere, so feel free to attend alone! We look forward to hearing from you! 

【例会日】 水曜日 (毎月第2、第4、第5)
【時間】 19:00~21:10
【場所】 きゅりあん(品川区立総合区民会館)会議室4階(大井町駅すぐ)

【 会費 】 

 入会金: 3,500円 (マニュアル代 + 国際本部登録費) 
 月会費: 1カ月1,800円 (半年で10,800円) 
 徴収時期: 会費は年2回(4~9月、10~3月分をまとめて)徴収 

ゲストとしての参加をご希望の方は、お問い合わせページよりご連絡ください。 例会は明るく楽しい雰囲気ですので、お一人でのご参加も安心です!