Voice 1
When seeking for English Lessons then I discovered one advertisement for this club and learned about this Toastmasters club.
I visited the meeting as a guest and it seemed as if there were earnest members there. I thought it was kind of out of place for me but it had a good atmosphere and everyone welcomed me, so I decided to join the club. At first I had no clue about toastmasters, but I felt at ease and gave as many speeches as I liked.
Every time I attend meetings I feel sincerity in the meeting, everyone helping each other in need, always volunteering for taking roles.
This has nothing to do with profit or promotion, but I can feel dedication from everyone toward the club on Wed night, which is usually a busy time for many members. I was overwhelmed by their commitment comes from everywhere.
I learn a lot from this club and I really agree with the policy for the foundation of it's club, "We learn best in moments of enjoyment",
I wish I had known about this club and joined it earlier.
This is what I feel about toastmasters!
英語のおしゃべりクラブのようなところを探していた折、区の広報に掲載された数行の紹介文を目にし、このクラブのことを知りました。見学に訪れてみると、何やら真剣な面持ちの会議の様相。これは大変なところに来てしまったと思いつつ、会の半ばには、このクラブの積極的で温かい雰囲気に魅了され、すぐに入会を決意しました 。何も知らずに飛び込んだToastmasters。安心してスピーチを発表していける場がここにありました。
英語のスキル以前のことも学ばせていただいているこのクラブ。入会後に初めて知った設立の指針は "We learn best in moments of enjoyment." これです!このクラブにもっと早く出会いたかった!そう感じるこの頃です。
Voice 2
Toastmasters club and Myself
I found Toastmasters club back in spring, 2017 thru a communication activity at my English school. I joined one Toastmasters Club a half year before going to work in Singapore. I had taken speech classes at my English school and I thought I had gotten used to giving speeches in English but ended up giving up delivering English speech of up to 7 minutes. I liked it but my 1st trial for Toastmasters was quite a challenge and the level was a bit too high for me.
After 2 years in Singapore, I continued to study English and then I learned about Ginza Toastmasters Club, for my 2nd trial.
Ginza Toastmasters Club is an online club and I had many opportunities for giving speeches but unfortunately there were fewer attendants and I wanted to listen speeches more and learn from their presentations.
In summer 2024, I searched for new clubs and came across Tokyo International Toastmasters Club, which has meetings on Wed night.
I read the meeting report and it seemed well organized and the level was neither too strict, nor too easy, and the club members were earnest and warm, it was perfect and great match for me.
I joined the club as a guest and gave 2 speeches together with drinking party after the meeting, I was confident that finally this club was for me. I can learn by not only giving speeches but also from mutual evaluation. It is like enjoying the variety of local foods and beers at good restaurant. I would like to continue to learn a lot from this club with my trials and errors.
I am enjoying Tokyo Internatioanl Toastmasters as my 3rd trial!
Voice 3
While exploring the opportunity for improving presentation and public speaking skills for my work. I went thru many seminars and activities and then ended up with Toastmasters Club, so I applied for it as a guest. It was a bit surprising seeing many attendants at the meeting, but everyone welcomed me and made me comfortable there. And more surprisingly, everyone's earnest attitude for delivering, listening to and giving feedback to speeches.
Besides works, everyone tries to learn from each other and improve their own skills, which was a very new experience and attractive to me. I am sure this is a place where I can work on improving my presentation and public speaking. Some day I would like to give a speech more confidently like other members here. Club members consists of relatively experienced members, but are easy to talk to during / after the meeting, I can enjoy the meeting.
Tokyo International Toastmasters club is a warm place, good atmosphere and everyone can learn a lot.
If you are interested, please feel free to join anytime!
私は、仕事に活かすためにプレゼン力、スピーチ力をつけたいと思い、練習できる場を探していました。セミナーやサークルなども検討してるときにTI TMCに辿り着き、不安もありましたが、とりあえず体験を申し込みました。実際に行ってみると、会議室に集まる大人達の人数に驚きましたが、温かく出迎えていただき、徐々に緊張はほぐれました。それ以上に驚いたのは、みなさんが本気でスピーチを行い、聴き、フィードバックをする姿勢でした。仕事以外で、大人達が高め合う空間が新鮮で魅力的でしたし、ここでならスピーチの上達に向き合えるのではないかと思いました。また、みなさんのように、堂々とスピーチができるようになりたいという気持ちが芽生えました。はじめは、歳上の方達に馴染めるか不安でしたが、休憩時間や例会後も、年齢差は関係なく話してくださり、楽しく過ごすことができました。
TI TMCは、温かく楽しい雰囲気でスピーチの上達に取り組める場所です。
Voice 4
This club consists of diverse members who would like to improve their public speaking skills, it is totally a good gathering place for all members.
Not only giving a speech but also evaluating and giving feedback, and club members take roles for every meeting, everyone joins the meeting and operates the club ourselves.
Our club is an International club, the meeting operates both in English and Japanese, which can be played as an English lesson class.
The meetings are held on Wed night but if you join it, you can lean a lot and improve yourself. Please join us as a guest for your trial.
Voice 5
About a year ago, I learned about toastmasters club thru a book and found the club on the internet. At the very begging I didn't know anything about it and was a bit nervous, but one member kindly told me about it and she actually gave a speech on that day. She didn't look nervous at all, was very funny and I really liked her speech. I thought "Why isn't she nervous before giving a speech?" , "How can she be so good at the speech!?" More surprisingly I thought the speech topic was a more difficult one, such as a political or social issue, but her speech was not like that. I thought the level was too high for me and I probably could not catch up with other members, but I joined the meeting as a gust 3 times, everyone seemed friendly and easy to hang out with, so I decided to join the club.
1 year passed after I joined the club, originally I set a challenging goal for myself, giving 10 speeches and taking all roles, I ended up with giving only 5 speeches but taking all role, I felt it was good trial.
At Toastmasters club, there are roles for a facilitator, an evaluator and so forth, I could learn a lot out of that too. When you don't give a speech, you can listen and learn from others' speeches. Additionally, this is a bilingual club, I can learn English too.
Sometimes I go to the meeting, I am a bit tired after work, but every time I feel energetic and refreshed, this is what Tokyo International Toastmasters club is about.
ちょうど1年ほど前「プレゼンテーションzen」という本でToast Masterを知り,Webで検索してこのクラブに見学に来ました.
最初に見学に来た時はToast Masterのことをほとんど知らず,(もちろんWebはチェックしましたが)
たしかTM M本さんがToast Masterのことを丁寧に説明してくれ,緊張しつつもフレンドリーな雰囲気を感じたことを覚えています.
しかも今まで説明してくれたTM M本さんが,その日のスピーカーだったことにびっくり.
ただその日はレベルの高さに打ちのめされ,「入ってもついていけない」とToast Masterに惹かれつつもためらいのある状態でした.
Toast Masterにはスピーチ以外にも司会やスピーチを評価する役割などいろいろあり,その役割から学ぶこともたくさんあります.